Time-limited eating

I have written about the health benefits of fasting in the past, and you can read about it more broadly here. There is also such an intermittent fasting/fasting (intermittent fasting) in which a very low calorie content is eaten a couple of days a week (about 500-600kcal per day at a rate of about 2000kcal for a woman and 2500kcal for a man), for example, one meal a day for some salad or something similar. But this time there will be talk of one more method – time-restricted eating( time-restricted eating), when eating is done only for a certain time a day, and at other times it is not eaten or only water is drunk. The minimulus fasting time interval is 9h, which would be for example, the last meal at 20h in the evening (which is not ideal) and after not eating (as well as not drinking coffee or other drink, which the body needs to metabolize / process), until 7h in the morning of the next day. But better non-performances are done when that fasting gap is long, like 10 or even 16 hours. Such large gaps in fasting are useful if a person is diabetic II, has metabolic syndrome (reduced sensitivity of cells to insulin, as a result of which blood sugar increases, but not yet reaching the threshold to be diagnosed with diabetes II, as well as elevated cholesterol, triglycerides), or those who are overweight. Such people would have to stop eating anything after 18-19h in the evening and then not eat until at least 8h in the morning, which would give 14 hours of fasting. Studies show that such time-limiting eating improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin, as a result of which blood sugar is reduced, and people also eat fewer calories, as a result of which weight decreases. Most of such time-limiting studies allow you to eat anything,but in order to achieve better results, I would advise you to eat as natural, unrefined foods as possible, where the main plant foods (fruits, vegetables, all-grain products, lešis, beans, peas, potatoes, plus seeds, wrists, avocado) and as few animal products as possible dominate. By the way, another tip would be, even when eating for a limited time, not to eat in the mind much at once, as for example to eat all the food of the day in one or two times, as this can lead to a big jump in insulin, which is not good.

A time-limited diet is mainly for diabetics and overweight people

If you are vegan, then such a time-limiting diet is not necessary, and sis advice is more for people with diabetes or oscillation. Without it, even for vegans or people without health problems, I would advise you to avoid eating late, and stop eating at least a couple of hours before bedtime. As far as the dioceses are concerned, I would advise you to start eating limited by this time gradually, and see how the body reacts, because there are times when diabetics are not able to maintain proper glucose levels and as a result, their blood sugar drops too low and a person may find themselves in a coma. This is especially important if insulin is allowed. By the way, in diabetes, I would also advise you to switch to a low-fat plant-based diet, which is perhaps the best method for regulating blood sugar without drugs and insulin. You can read more about it here.

How does time-limiting eating work?

In today’s society, where food is easily and freely available around the clock, a very large number of people constantly snack or drink coffee, tea or some other drink. Such constant and frequent eating is not very good and does not allow or reduces the ability of the body to perform other important functions as purification (tedoxysification), etc. Frequent eating is especially bad if sweets and other unhealthy, high-calorie foods (empty calories) are eaten. When eating, very often, pancreatic cells have to produce insulin consistently, and often a lot (especially when a lot of sweets are eaten, or a lot of high-fat foods are eaten, which also reduces the sensitivity of cells to insulin) as a result of which the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases over a long period of time. To compensate for this, the body just produces more insulin for a while, but in the end it is no longer enough and blood sugar begins to rise and eventually diabetes II is diagnosed.

By limiting the time of eating, the body adapts to use energy reserves

By limiting the time of eating, the body adapts to use the accumulated energy reserves accumulated in the body from glycogen (in this form, the body stores carbohydrates) and fats, the pancreatic cell receives rest because it is necessary to produce less insulin, and the liver is also “rested”, which plays a very important role in the metabolism and regulation of glucose (blood sugar). Regardless of whether using time-restricted eating will succeed in reducing blood sugar may depend on the person, and following this method there is no absolute guarantee that you will drop blood sugar. There are studies where such eating even has a negative effect and blood sugar even increases. It is very possible that the diet of the participants in that study was of poor quality – eating too much fat, which, as has already been repeatedly said, can raise blood sugar, or simply the study participants did not follow the instructions, which is a very common occurrence in dietary studies. So I warned that this method is not a panacea for all diseases.

Insulin is one of the factors that promotes the growth of cancer cells (you can read more about it separately), so for people who are diagnosed or cured cancer, it is very important to control the production of insulin, that because it helps to cure cancer or protect its recurrence, which, unfortunately, is a very common occurrence. One study in breast cancer patients showed that time-limited eating reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Time-limited eating can also reduce cholesterol, but it can be done more easily and effectively by following a vegan low-fat diet. Studies on animals show that even when eating the same amount of calories and rather unhealthy foods (60% calories from fat, which is very much even for a very unhealthy person eating), but only for a limited time (only 8h a day), animals do not gain weight, and when they are allowed to eat the same amount of food, but when they want, they gain excess weight and accumulate a very large amount of fat, and their general health deteriorates significantly (cholesterol rises, blood sugar rises, liver function deteriorates). The truth is whether the same results would be achieved with people living in freedom, so even if you eat only 8h a day, I would not advise eating unhealthy foods.

If you want more information about time-restricted eating, I suggest you read this article and the studies cited there, where you can learn more about the health benefits of this method of eating.

You can also listen to the interrogates with the propoguotja of this method, Dr. Rhonda Patrick. I’ll say that I don’t agree with everything there, especially when it comes to animal food, ignoring it, there’s good infomation.






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