man who talk snakes language


At first, reading it seems like a fairy tale. Ancient pagan Estonians, forests, wolves, the Northern Dragon, snakes, incantations, aliens who bring a new faith and views. What you have to pay dearly for is to move to the countryside, work hard to grow bread and forget about the language of snakes. And it’s all saturated with great humor.

It felt as if someone had taken your old good pants and them, — the pants are certainly still there, but they can’t be worn anymore, they’re full of alien disgusting stench.

But not everything is so simple. Change, even not very good, requires sacrifices. They are also needed without wanting to change, but only in trying to keep what it was. The second part of the book is already more difficult to read, you no longer laugh, but think. The writer describes only one transformation – pagans into Christians. Since those times, our ancestors have gone through many more transformations, we also go through them. And maybe at least a little right everyone who longs for past times – their views seem stagnant, but it must be admitted – with changes and discoveries, losses also go along. But it’s inevitable and it has to be.

… there is no greater misfortune for the child than to have a mother and father who do not love you.

It was fun to get acquainted at least a little with the literature of a close country.

Once again, I will follow all my dearest, but although we are moving in the same direction, we will never meet again. It’s such a big sea and that’s how tiny we are.






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